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Breed/Canine Organizations

Italian Greyhound Club of Greater Houston

IGCA Logo IGCA — Italian Greyhound Club of America

AKC — American Kennel Club

Westminster Kennel Club

ASPCA — American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

IGCA Logo Henry's Heart Iggy Rescue — a Houston-based rescue organization specializing in Iggies in need

Silver Hounds/the Senior Project — raising funds for privately owned Italian Greyhound rescue organizations to help defray medical costs of senior foster dogs


Internet Social Networking

Texas IGS — a Facebook page for all iggie lovers, but particularly those in the South Texas area! It is intended to be a place to discuss our "fur kids," announce playdates and meetups, ask questions, give tips, share photos and connect in general.



ASPCA: A Poison-Safe Home — common foods not to feed your pet, plus other household hazards

ASPCA: Toxic Plants — list of household plants that can be hazardous to animals

Humane Society of the US — foods potentially poisonous to your pet

Pet — an extensive list of foods you should not feed your dog

IG Health Concerns — Italian Greyhounds are sturdier and healthier than they appear, but, as with all pure breeds, there are some concerns

American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation — their mission is to advance the health of all dogs by funding scientific research and disseminate health information to prevent, treat, and cure canine disease

Canine Eye Registration Foundation — part of the Veterinary Medical Database, CERF maintains a valuable registry (including DNA information) of dogs found to be unaffected by heritable eye disease with the goal of eliminating heritable eye disease in purebred dogs

Orthopedic Foundation for Animals — information about orthopedic and genetic diseases of animals, including IG's

The Pet Web Library — information, including description of symptoms and treatments for a very large number of the most common medical conditions of pet dogs

Brush your IG's teeth? — it's not always easy, but here's some advice on how to do it

PetHealthAlert.comfree medical alert tags for your dog


Activity Organizations
(Obedience, Agility, Racing, Therapy, Etc.)

AKC — American Kennel Club — agility, conformation, lure coursing, obedience, rally, and tracking

American Sighthound Field Association — lure coursing

Canine Performance Events Inc. — agility

Caring Critters — Houston-area Animal Assisted Therapy organization

Clean Run — agility

Delta Society — therapy

Dogwood Dog Training & Sports Center — agility, obedience, and training

Flashpaws — agility and training

For Dogs Only — agility and obedience training because dogs need a job

GIT — Gazehounds in Texas — an all-breed sighthound club, dedicated to the sports of amateur racing and lure coursing

Houston Canine Frisbee Disc Club — disc (frisbee)

Houston Obedience Training Dog Club — agility, conformation, obedience, rally, training, and tracking

LGRA — Large Gazehound Racing Association

NOTRA — National Oval Track Racing Association

North American Dog Agility Council — agility

North American Flyball Association — flyball

Southpaw Training — obedience, rally, and training

Therapy Dog International Inc. — therapy

United States Dog Agility Association — agility



Virtual Mall
Over 350 stores and services, in categories all the way from apparel and automotive, to vision and travel services. Click on the Virtual Mall emblem above (purchases must be made through the IGCA portal), and a portion of your purchases will be donated to IGRF.

Martingale Collars
Karen's Kollars™ — beautiful hand-sewn martingale collars for your sighthound

Mrs. Bones' Bowtique — the original custom decorative dog collar for discriminating dog owners

Premier Martingale Collars from LEGR — elegant sighthound collars in a wide variety of colors and styles, available with or without matching leashes

Silk Road Collars — beautiful sighthound collars and people stuff, too

Custom Braiding — hand-braided leather collars and leads

Clothing, Outerwear, and General Merchandise
Hound Togs™ — coats, rain slickers, and snoods made just for sighthounds

Snob Hounds — collars, coats, and pajamas to put the "snob" in your hound

IGCA Rescue Items Store — benefiting IGCA Rescue, this web store has lots of great IG-related products for both IG's and their humans

Special Needs/House-training — pet diapers, water vests, harnesses, seat belts, and more for dogs with special needs

PetHealthAlert.comfree medical alert tags for your dog — reclaimed underpads/pee-pads that are machine-washable

Esquivel & Fees — original Italian Greyhound jewelry designs (for humans), and it's made right here in Houston

NOTE: IGHouston is NOT affiliated with the companies/stores reached through the shopping links above. These links are provided for convenience ONLY, and are not necessarily endorsed by IGHouston.


NO Puppy Mills!

Humane Society of the US - Facts on Puppy Mills

ASPCA — Fight Cruelty: Puppy Mills

What Is a Puppy Mill?

Prisoners of Greed


Grief/Bereavement — a gentle website for pet lovers who are grieving — the Monday Pet Loss Candle Ceremony, Tribute Pages, healing poetry like Rainbow Bridge and more

The Rainbow Bridge at — compassionate poetry and other resources to help deal with the loss of a pet

In Memory of Pets — a place where you can express your true feelings from your heart with tributes, poems, pet's family stories, e-cards and more

Paws Memorial Service — a family-owned and operated pet crematory and funeral home serving the Greater Houston area



IggyZine — online IG magazine

The IG! — online IG magazine

Want to make clothing for your IG?

Does your IG prefer "home-cooking"?


Except as otherwise noted, this entire site is ©2020 IGHoustonOnline.